HER: P needs his brown inhala he's got 2 have it morning and night
HIM: My best advice is for you to get another one from the Drs as I'm away.
HER: P needs his brown inhala he's got 2 have it morning and night
HIM: My best advice is for you to get another one from the Drs as I'm away.
HIM: In reply, I did not threaten you in any way. You refused to answer 2 sms asking you if it was a yes, so I sent a third. Now I have the yes, at last. If you had of replied in the first place there would have been no issue.
HIM: Regarding lying about replying to you, I suggest you contact your service provider regarding the message that I sent on the 5th of March at 08:35, where I very clearly and nicely replied. Check your facts before branding others as liars.
HER: Do u have nothing better 2 do than send me texts?
HER: P has a friend 2night can u take him 2 cubs?
HIM: I think your last messages just contradicted its predecessor?
HIM: Firstly it's a week later and you still haven't clarified my question on those date proposals, please do today or I can't do it.
HIM: P has come over with his school trousers badly damaged and said you told him to wear them just before coming here. What's that all about?
HER: Don't threaten me I'd already said fine and u can talk I asked u 2 have the kids 4 the first time in 4 years as I was at a funerel and u didn't even have the decency 2 get back 2 me then lied to the childeren and said you did?? As for P's trousers I'd ask him to change them as they were dirty and 2 put clean ones on so get your facts straight!
HER: Congrats on the new baby, I'll get every one to put it on Facebook 4 u
HIM: I'm outside, can you send the kids out? Thanks.
HIM: Some advanced warning of dates that I will be away with work: Tues 17 April I can't have them, please let me know by tomorrow if you want me to have them on the 16th instead as I can if you let me know now. Thanks.
HIM: Also linked to the same trip, I will unfortunately not be able to have the children on the weekend of April 21st at all, or Tuesday 24th April. Again, I could swap Tues 24th April for Thurs 26th April, if that works, can you confirm that for me by tomorrow. Thanks.
HER: Yep
HIM: Just so I'm clear, yep to what?
HER: What you said funny it's it I ask u once in 4 years 4 one thing and yet time and time again u change things may b u should think about that
HIM: Are you saying yes to both changed Tuesday date proposals just so I'm clear?
HER: The childeren came home in dirty clothes H had food in her lunchbox from Friday it's distugusting how you treat your childeren.
HER: And P's lips were all split open? Do u have no idear at all??
HIM: How would I know about a lunchbox, she never has one and you never said there was one?? The only reason there was one was because you were too drunk and abusive on Friday to either take it from her or tell me it was there. I'm not a mind reader. Re P's lips, he arrived like that and we spent all weekend applying balm so check your facts please.
HER: Really???????????
HIM: 100% really
HER: I have a funeral on Friday is there any way u could pick the childeren up from school?
HIM: I'm not able to I'm afraid, and that's not a no for no's sake, I have a meeting on Friday.
HER: Thank u so much 4 getting back 2 me glad 2 no your so concered about the childeren.
HIM: What's wrong with the children?
HIM: I'm outside, can you send them out. Thanks.
HER: The childeren will be at the british legion in ******* they may need food.
HIM: Please explain more?
HER: What the fu k more do u need 2 no?!
HIM: Who are they with etc, and there's no need for abusive language.
HER: They r here
HIM: No, at the Legion, who am I collecting them from?
HIM: If you wonder why I'm asking questions, it's because you're not explaining the situation. I'm assuming you're at a funeral and I know no more than that. Explain it better and I will see the full picture.
HER: Just pick them up ASAP
HIM: If they are with you then make sure they are fed as you certainly haven't given me any notice at all.
HER: No they need food.
HIM: You have sworn at me, been rude and then not fed the kids. If you wanted me to feed them you could have asked and given me reasonable notice. You could have also behaved reasonably. Now text me when you have given them dinner and I will come and get them. Next time you want a favour, try behaving respectfully and I will be inclined to help.
HER: 5 mins pick up
HIM: I won't be there in 5 minutes as I've not left. Have you fed them?
HER: Just get them chips I'm not doing u r a real pick every one here is like what r u doing??
HIM: I'm reacting to your foul language and disrespectful messages. I really don't care what anyone else thinks, just what is fair. Now feed those children as you are meant to and when it is done, tell me and I will then collect them as soon as I can.
HER: P's gone if u want H shes here
HER: Go fuck yourself your a prick grow some bollocks and b a father
HIM: Your language and actions show who you are and what you are made of, look at yourself before abusing others. I will not be dragged into your game.
HER: What ever in a court order u r surposed 2 pick your childeren up at 6 your daughter is waiting 4 u
HIM: And in the same court order you are meant to feed them and I'm supposed to get them from your house. 90 minutes notice with swear words and abuse is way short of the 24hrs asked for in the court order you mention.
HER: R u picking her up or not? She keeps asking.
HIM: You've ignored all of my points, since you mentioned it, you have also broken the court order. I won't take this messing around and based on your comments I suggest you cool off and contact me in the morning to arrange a time to pick her up.
HER: Your daughter is here waiting 4 u 2 pick her up now come and get her
HER: Your daughter will be dropped off at cubs as u can't b bothered 2 pick her up as u r a prick.
HIM: You are really showing your nice side today.
HER: H thinks she gave u her invite? But she has a party on Sunday 2-4 it's a doctor who party at the British red cross in town